I have been wanting to give it a try for a while: an RTOS with enough abstraction to make your embedded app multiplatform, backup up by the Linux foundation. So I tested for you: developing a Zephyr RTOS device driver. I will give my tips and thoughts about it.
The project idea comes from my gizmo drawer: I have several standard eval kits such as Nucleo STM32, ESP32 and RF52DK. I also found several nRF24 2.4GHz transceivers I bought some time ago on AliExpress for a DIY project, and it does not have Zephyr support yet.
I have watched carefully the sir Marull-Paretas in Mastering Driver Development, and let’s have some fun with that!
Also, you can refer to this tutorial from Bootlin.
1- Setting up the work folder
First, I forked the example app:
Of course, I did struggle to compile it because I misread the Readme. There is a tiny subtelty : the base tutorial advises to download Zephyr source files in ~/zephyrproject, but the example application has a different folder structure with Zephyr sources in the workspace folder. So I got to download two copies of the sources.
Here is what one of my standard Zephyr project folder looks like:
├── blinky
├── boards
├── CMakeLists.txt
└── README.md
This project compiles in a Python virtual env, after the Zephyr initialisation script has been invoked, and uses Zephyr sources outside of the project folder.
And here is my new Zephyr driver workspace, with its own Zephyr copy and its own module folder:
└── my-workspace
├── driver_nrf24l01
| ├── west.yml
| ├── CMakeList.txt
| ├── ...
├── modules
| └── hal
| ├── cmsis
| ├── espressif
| ├── nordic
| └── stm32
└── zephyr
├── arch
├── boards
├── cmake
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── ...
In order to compile this project, zephyr-env.sh invocation is not required, the sources are downloaded in the local project folder.
Another discovery, the module folders, containing third-party HAL code, are downloaded automatically by west. You just have to add them to west.yml project file and call:
west update
2- Driver writing
nRF24 is a small 2.4 GHz transceiver, accessible via SPI bus, with a bunch of register described in its datasheet, the usual stuff.
There is a pretty neat Raspberry Pi implementation, I used it for reference. The header file describing registers was specially useful to prevent typos whilst copying datasheet.
Then, Marull-Paretas sensei says we have to choose between:
- Generic API implementation, or
- Custom API implementation
The API is a list of function that can be called from the userspace application. It is far better to have a generic API, since it would allow to change the component for an equivalent one without any modification in the application code. But in my case, there is no proprietary radio API currently implemented, so I will have to start with a custom one, and hopefully change it when a generic API is released.
Next, I modified the example-application to only keep out-of-tree driver skeleton files, rename them, and modify the configuration files so that it builds correctly. I also modified project files to call my work target, a Nucleo board.
Once the application skeleton is ready, it is time to implement the real component logic, with datasheet in one hand and logic analyzer in the other.
Driver and example application
The most important file of all is the driver source file, in my case:
But it is not standalone and has to be called by a main.c somewhere:
Zephyr calls its driver initialization (in my case nrf24l01_init) before starting the user application. If you like to write some kind of code blob and care about slicing it into functions later, it is possible to put everything in the init function and compile an empty main.c, before you create the rightful API functions (that is a very personal method, don’t do this if you prefer to write clean code from the start).
Device tree
In your driver, you will copy device tree data in two structures:
struct nrf24l01_config
struct nrf24l01_data
The config structure is static, it includes for instance GPIO and bus references, because they are not supposed to change during runtime. The data structure can be modified, so I ended up adding in it one or two variables I would have liked to declare as globals.
Every device tree option is listed and described in a Yaml file called the “bindings”. This file is both documentation and code, it is mandatory and you will have to be careful about filenames and typographic subtleties. I spend a full hour scratching my head because I called this file “nrf24l01.yaml” instead of “nordic,nrf24l01.yaml”.
In my example, I did not have to create an entire device tree because I am using a standard evaluation board. I simply added nrf24l01 in a device tree overlay.
Configuration options
I also added a bunch of Kconfig options to my driver, the most important being the switch between polling behaviour and interrupt behaviour.
Those options are then selected in the app project file:
Note that it would have been possible to choose this type of option in the device tree. Technically, it would have been the same, but philosophically, you are supposed to put hardware-related things in the device tree and software-related choices in the Kconfig. There is a grey area, since “polling” will be most useful when the hardware interrupt is not available, but it’s how it’s done in mainline drivers.
Custom API
Custom API is described in the include folder:
Be careful because it is not possible to have the same name for both API functions and their driver implementations. In my case, my workaround was to call API functions “nrf24_read” and “nrf24_write” and their implementation counterparts “nrf24l01_read” and “nrf24l01_write”.
On application side, “nrf24_read” are “nrf24_write” will be called.
CI testing
In my case, it is hard to test this project with Github workflow and Qemu, since it is mostly hardware related. I thus removed all execution tests and set my CI to only verify that the project compiles correctly on all my platforms.
3 – Results
You can find the resulting project here: https://github.com/everedero/driver_nrf24l01
My example application uses the newly-created nRF24 driver to run it on 3 different eval kits from my drawer: a STM32 Nucleo, a nRF52DK, and an ESP32 WROOM. And it’s super easy, I only had to create a device tree overlay for each platform, with the right GPIO and pinmuxes, and it just works! In order to demonstrate this magic, my example implements 3 different roles, one for each platform: Alice starts sending a message, Bob answers the message, and Eve just quietly listens everything.
And it’s working!
It is often said about Zephyr that it has some steep learning curve, and I really think it does. However, I am very happy I spent some time getting this to work, because running the same code on 3 different embedded platforms, it is quite wonderful and promising.