System architecture consulting
- Off-the-shelf products or custom designs
- 3rd-party products programming
- Advice on component sourcing, digital electronic designs…
Firmware development
- Embedded C
- Barebone
- FreeRTOS
- Linux / Zephyr drivers
- GCC / Yocto compilation
Tests development using Python
Supported platforms
- Microcontrollers : 8/16/32Bits (Cortex-M, Cortex-A…)
- Processor Modules ARM A9: IMX, Multicore with Linux OSes
- Nordic nRF, ST STM32, NXP i.MX…
Need a new skill in your team, but cannot hire? Training is the way!
Some trainings I propose:
- Zephyr RTOS for beginners, on nRF52DK
- Electronic CAO for beginners and small projects with the open-source software KiCad
- How-to source components and specific electronic products