5 of my favorites Zephyr RTOS video

Here is my personal, non-exhaustive top 5 Zephyr RTOS video.

Zephyr 101 – GPIOs and PWM

Circuit Dojo

Circuit Dojo’s Youtube channel has a lot of practical and crystal clear tutorials about Zephyr RTOS! This GPIO and PWM video is a great start to achieve a blinky in no time.

Building an Open Source Smartwatch Using Zephyr

Jakob Krantz

This demonstrates Zephyr on a real-life, complete product. It includes an LVGL introduction, power-saving management tricks, initiation to ZBUS or the infamous native_posix code execution.

Zephyr Devicetree Mysteries- Solved

Marti Bolivar

You will soon realize Zephyr’s nasty habit to puke preprocessor error messages. This inescapable video will very clearly explain why, and show you how to decypher said messages.

Tutorial Mastering Zephyr Driver Development

Gerard Marull Paretas

This is the guide to develop your own Zephyr driver. It is provided with its presentation you can keep as memo, and its Github example code.

Zephyr’s New ZBus Feature

Rodrigo Peixoto

I did not try it personnally yet, but Zbus, it’s awesome. You will finally be able to implement your pretty architecture, the one you drew on your notebook, without any Ctulhu magic to unknot any dealocks.

(Bonus) Practical Tips to Boost Your Productivity When Using Zephyr

Benjamin Cabé

I said 5, but I start counting at 0.

This talks about hardware emulation, shell activation, and other handy tools to improve your Zephyr project.